About Miriam Vendrell

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So far Miriam Vendrell has created 20 blog entries.

Eurecat presents MED4Youth in the International Conference on AgriFood Tech of the University Andrés Bello of Chile

2023-07-10T06:44:58+00:00January 26th, 2023|

Antoni Caimari, director of the Biotechnology Area of Eurecat and MED4Youth’s principal investigator, participated in the International Conference on AgriFood Tech organised by the University Andrés Bello of Santiago de Chile and celebrated last 23rd of January 2023. During the conference, Antoni Caimari presented MED4Youth as a key European project working [...]

MED4Youth presented to doctors, nutritionists and other health professionals of the Tarragona area.

2023-07-10T06:45:05+00:00January 18th, 2023|

Partners from Eurecat, the MED4Youth’s coordinator, presented the project during different sessions organised in two public health centres of the area of Tarragona and celebrated from 16th to 17th of January 2023. The presentation, titled “MED4Youth project: Mediterranean Diet and obesity in adolescents”, introduced the main objectives of the project, as [...]

MED4Youth project takes part in a sourdough bread tasting event organised by Panishop

2023-07-10T06:45:12+00:00November 30th, 2022|

Partners from Panishop organised the first tasting of sourdough breads celebrated last November 24th in its bakery located in Plaza Corsini of Tarragona. The event also counted with the participation of partners from Eurecat and a brief presentation of the MED4Youth project. All the attendants could enjoy the tasting of different [...]

Presenting the MED4Youth APP in the International Summit on Nutrition and Health

2023-10-19T11:05:02+00:00July 29th, 2022|

The MED4Youth project has been presented during the Italy and Mediterranean Regional Network satellite event “Empowering Nutrition with Digital Technology” held within the 8th International Summit on Nutrition and Health on July 23rd. The event has been organised by the NNedPro Global Institute for Food Nutrition and Health and the International [...]

Partners from the University of Coimbra present MED4Youth project during the “Picnic com Saúde” event

2023-07-10T06:45:17+00:00July 10th, 2022|

The MED4Youth project was represented during the event “Picnic com Saúde”, held at Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra last 9th of July. This event had the main objective to promote healthier lifestyles and to approach the community to the science and research [...]

MED4Youth awarded by the XV Edition of the NAOS Strategy Awards

2023-07-10T06:45:26+00:00May 16th, 2022|

The MED4Youth project (Mediterranean Enriched Diet for tackling Youth Obesity), coordinated by Eurecat, has been recognised with the 1st secondary award in the category “Healthy Nutrition in the Family and Community” of the XV Edition of the NAOS Strategy Awards. The NAOS Strategy aims to reverse the trend of the prevalence [...]

What is the environmental impact of the new MED4Youth breads?

2023-07-10T06:45:32+00:00February 15th, 2022|

Sourdough breads are characterised by being made by slow fermentative processes, using a sourdough culture that is fermented with lactic acid bacteria and yeasts naturally present in the flour and in the air. These give the bread unique properties of flavour and aroma, making them tastier and more digestible. These breads [...]

MED4Youth web-application: an innovative digital health tool for nutritional studies in adolescents

2023-07-10T06:45:37+00:00December 21st, 2021|

One of the most important and innovative parts of the MED4Youth project is the implementation of a web application to involve adolescents in the nutritional intervention study. The MED4Youth web application has been developed in 3 languages (Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese), in order to support volunteers from all the countries enrolled [...]

UNIPR presents MED4Youth during the Nutrimi Conference

2023-10-19T12:10:04+00:00July 7th, 2020|

Partners from the University of Parma presented the MED4Youth project during the Nutrimi Conference, the digital forum for nutrition, celebrated in an online format from 6th – 7th of July. Pedro Mena, project partner and Assistant Professor at the University of Parma, participated in the session “Low-calorie diet: from ketogenic to [...]

Mediterranean diet’s beneficial effects on reducing youth obesity

2023-07-10T06:45:48+00:00June 9th, 2020|

The MED4Youth consortium will conduct an European-level clinical study whose main purpose is to demonstrate that an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet enriched with products typical of the Mediterranean, such as pomegranate, chickpeas, nuts and sourdough bread, is more effective in reducing weight and cardiovascular risk factors associated with youth obesity than a [...]