Eurecat presents MED4Youth in the International Conference on AgriFood Tech of the University Andrés Bello of Chile

2023-07-10T06:44:58+00:00January 26th, 2023|

Antoni Caimari, director of the Biotechnology Area of Eurecat and MED4Youth’s principal investigator, participated in the International Conference on AgriFood Tech organised by the University Andrés Bello of Santiago de Chile and celebrated last 23rd of January 2023. During the conference, Antoni Caimari presented MED4Youth as a key European project working [...]

MED4Youth presented to doctors, nutritionists and other health professionals of the Tarragona area.

2023-07-10T06:45:05+00:00January 18th, 2023|

Partners from Eurecat, the MED4Youth’s coordinator, presented the project during different sessions organised in two public health centres of the area of Tarragona and celebrated from 16th to 17th of January 2023. The presentation, titled “MED4Youth project: Mediterranean Diet and obesity in adolescents”, introduced the main objectives of the project, as [...]