Presenting the MED4Youth APP in the International Summit on Nutrition and Health

2023-10-19T11:05:02+00:00July 29th, 2022|

The MED4Youth project has been presented during the Italy and Mediterranean Regional Network satellite event “Empowering Nutrition with Digital Technology” held within the 8th International Summit on Nutrition and Health on July 23rd. The event has been organised by the NNedPro Global Institute for Food Nutrition and Health and the International [...]

Partners from the University of Coimbra present MED4Youth project during the “Picnic com Saúde” event

2023-07-10T06:45:17+00:00July 10th, 2022|

The MED4Youth project was represented during the event “Picnic com Saúde”, held at Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, Faculty of Medicine of University of Coimbra last 9th of July. This event had the main objective to promote healthier lifestyles and to approach the community to the science and research [...]